“LpgManager” is a user-friendly and extensible application. It is designed for calculating the quantity of LPG product and monitoring the inflows and outflows of LPG storage installations.
In the main screen of the application, you can see the operational mode in each tank section (level, inflow-outflow) and in the table below you can see the data of the instruments (height-temperature-pressure), the data of the user (specific weight of liquid - average molecular weight of vapour), the content of each tank and the total content per product.
Among other features you can find the following:
- The maximum permissible level of loading for each tank is shown.
- Notifications for overflow or emergency pressure-temperature via e-mail and or SMS.
- It can send an e-mail and or SMS with the actual data (operational state/mode, quantities).
- Monitoring any inflow-outflow with quantity control.
- Inventories (tanks – in cylinders – tank trucks etc.).
- Physical Inventory - Balances - Finalization of documents.